Monday 28 October 2013

First Blogg - Visual Effects for Film and TV Introduction

Hi everyone, 

This is my first university blog, sorry if it isn't too good to begin with, I'm still trying to get use to the layout. 

The reason I'm posting this blog is to show to people around the world my CGI work as well as concept designs that I have created. 

Special Effects and VFX are a life long passion of mine and something that I really want to be a part of, in the future. 

Over the next couple of months I'm going to be posting work that I have made and I want to gain some feedback and opinions on what I post on here.

To begin with this is a drawing of a dragon I made a year ago. it's nothing really special but I want to show the process of my skills developing. If you could please be so kind as to send a quick message back telling me what you think of each piece that I upload, it will be greatly appreciated. 


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